Contact Information
Chairman: Rev. Dayle E. Perry
PH# 832-715-8676
Vice Chairman Rev. Benjamin Eldridge
Ph# 281-650-7313
Pastor Anthony Perry (Substance Abuse)
Ph# 832-594-0735
Evang. Willis Franklin (Community Out-Reach)
Ph# 832-883-9313
Bro. Gerald Coleman (music, song)
Ph# 713-894-1939
Bro. Thomas Hickman (Director: Crocket Region)
Ph# 936-222-4584
Bro. Tommy Spencer (L Ciaison: Dallas Region)
Ph# 214-240-8740
Rev. Jerome Clark (Civic Liaison)
Ph# 281-931-3726
Hispanic Community Fellowship
Bro. Max Olvera Ph# 713-454-3493
Women Contact
Mrs. Brenda Perry
Ph# 713-894-6733
Through real life examples and evident testimonies of the members of G.P.F.A.P. we will persuade and inspire people from all walks of life to excel by the power of Jesus Christ.
7310 Phillips Street
Houston, TX 77088
General Assistance
Spiritual Fellowship
Providing job search assistance and leads
Clothing assistance
Substance abuse counseling
Assistance with driver’s license / ID
We hold these truths to be evident by divine scripture:
That Jesus Loves everybody- (period).
That Jesus gave food to the hungry.
That Jesus ministered to Governors & Kings.
That Jesus ministered to adulterers & thieves.
That Jesus sacrificed Himself for others.
The fellowship of GOD’S PROVISION FOR A PURPOSE is to inspire you to look within yourself and realize the Spiritual Power of Belief. To believe that the one and only true GOD will personally place you above all circumstances in CHRIST JESUS.
1) We offer Hope by providing an atmosphere that proves by evidence that a life no matter how tangled up it may have gotten can be changed, by a decision.
2) When people are released from incarceration we provide a platform for them to be a part of something positive. Ex: giving back to the community; providing assistance to those that are still on the inside, by encouragement through letters and other practical assistance: also when they come back into society; we provide assistance with clothing, transportation, job leads, and a place to come for spiritual up-lifting.
3) We strive to motivate people to be more than someone who can stay off drugs or out of jail, but to look inside themselves and use everything that God has given them to excel.